Biome changelog
Section titled Biome changelogThis project follows Semantic Versioning. Due to the nature of Biome as a toolchain, it can be unclear what changes are considered major, minor, or patch. Read our guidelines to categorize a change.
New entries must be placed in a section entitled Unreleased
our guidelines for writing a good changelog entry.
Section titled UnreleasedAnalyzer
Section titled AnalyzerNew features
Section titled New features-
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to sort imports inside the frontmatter of the Astro files. Contributed by @ematipico---import { getLocale } from "astro:i18n";import { Code } from "astro:components";import { getLocale } from "astro:i18n";import { Code } from "astro:components";---<div></div> -
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to sort imports inside the script block of Vue files. Contributed by @nhedger<script setup lang="ts">- import Button from "./components/Button.vue";- import * as vueUse from "vue-use";+ import * as vueUse from "vue-use";+ import Button from "./components/Button.vue";</script/><template></template> -
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to sort imports inside the script block of Svelte files. Contributed by @ematipico<script setup lang="ts">- import Button from "./components/Button.svelte";- import * as svelteUse from "svelte-use";+ import * as svelteUse from "svelte-use";+ import Button from "./components/Button.svelte";</script/><div></div> -
Add lint rule useJsxKeyInIterable from Eslint rule
. Contributed by @vohoanglong0107
Section titled Enhancements-
noUnusedVariables ignores unused rest spread silbings.
The following code is now valid:
const { a, } = { a: 0, b: 1 };console.log(rest);Contributed by @ah-yu
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1748. Now for the following case we won’t provide an unsafe fix for the
rule:x[y.z!];Contributed by @ah-yu
Imports that contain the protocol
are now sorted after thenpm:
modules, and before theURL
modules. Contributed by @ematipicoimport express from "npm:express";import Component from "./component.js"import { sortBy } from "virtual:utils";import { sortBy } from "virtual:utils";import Component from "./component.js" -
Fix #1081. The
rule does not reportfor await...of
. Contributed by @unvalley -
Fix #1827 by properly analyzing nested
statements. Contributed by @ah-yu -
Fix #1924 Use the correct export name to sort in the import clause. Contributed by @ah-yu
Fix #1805 fix formatting arrow function which has conditional expression body Contributed by @mdm317
New features
Section titled New features-
Add a new command
biome migrate prettier
. The command will read the file.prettierrc
and map its configuration to Biome’s one. Due to the different nature of.prettierignore
globs and Biome’s globs, it’s highly advised to make sure that those still work under Biome. -
Now the file name printed in the diagnostics is clickable. If you run the CLI from your editor, you can Ctrl/⌘ + Click on the file name, and the editor will open said file. If row and columns are specified e.g.
, the editor will set the cursor right in that position. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add an option
tobiome rage
. The option needs to check Biome linter configuration. Contributed by @seitarof -
Add an option
tobiome rage
. The option needs to check Biome formatter configuration. Contributed by @seitarof -
The CLI now consistently reports the number of files tha were changed, out of the total files that were analysed. Contributed by @ematipico
The CLI now consistently shows the number of errors and warnings emitted. Contributed by @ematipico
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Don’t process files under an ignored directory.
Previously, Biome processed all files in the traversed hierarchy, even the files under an ignored directory. Now, it completly skip the content of ignored directories.
Fix #1508 by excluding deleted files from being processed. Contributed by @ematipico
Fix #1173. Fix the formatting of a single instruction with commented in a control flow body to ensure consistency. Contributed by @mdm317
Fix overriding of
. Contributed by @arendjr -
Fix a bug where syntax rules weren’t run when pulling the diagnostics. Now Biome will emit more parsing diagnostics, e.g.
check.js:1:17 parse/noDuplicatePrivateClassMembers ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━× Duplicate private class member "#foo"> 1 │ class A { #foo; #foo }│ ^^^^Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled Enhancements-
Removed a superfluous diagnostic that was printed during the linting/check phase of a file:
test.js check ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━× The file contains diagnostics that needs to be addressed.Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled ConfigurationNew features
Section titled New features-
Add the ability to resolve the configuration files defined inside
from thenode_modules/
directory.If you want to resolve a configuration file that matches the specifier
, then yourpackage.json
file must look this:{"name": "@org/configs","exports": {"./biome": "./biome.json"}}And the
file that “imports” said configuration, will look like this:{"extends": "@org/configs/biome"}Read the documentation to better understand how it works, expectations and restrictions.
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix a regression where ignored files where formatted in the editor. Contributed by @ematipico
- Fix a bug where syntax rules weren’t run when pulling the diagnostics. Now Biome will emit more parsing diagnostics,
Contributed by @ematipicocheck.js:1:17 parse/noDuplicatePrivateClassMembers ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━× Duplicate private class member "#foo"> 1 │ class A { #foo; #foo }│ ^^^^
Section titled FormatterNew features
Section titled New features-
Biome now allows to format the
file. This is now the default behaviour and users can remove their workarounds. If you rely on other tools to formatpackage.json
, you’ll have to ignore it via configuration. Contributed by @pattrickrice -
New formatter option
that have similar behavior as PrettiersingleAttributePerLine
#1706. Contributed by @octoshikari -
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to format the frontmatter of the Astro files. Contributed by @ematipico---statement ( );statement();---<div></div> -
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to format the script block of Vue files. Contributed by @nhedger<script setup lang="ts">statement ( );statement();</script/><template></template> -
Add partial for
files. Biome is able to format the script block of Svelte files. Contributed by @ematipico<script setup lang="ts">statement ( );statement();</script/><div></div>
Section titled Enhancements-
are no longer protected files.This means that you can now format them.
If you want to ignore these files, you can use the files.ignore configuration:
{"files": {"ignore": ["composer.json","jsconfig.json","package.json","tsconfig.json","typescript.json","deno.json","deno.jsonc"]}}The following files are still protected, and thus ignored:
Contributed by @pattrickrice and @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1039. Check unicode width instead of number of bytes when checking if regex expression is a simple argument.
This no longer breaks.
s(/🚀🚀/).s().s();Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #1218, by correctly preserving empty lines in member chains. Contributed by @ah-yu
JavaScript APIs
Section titled JavaScript APIsLinter
Section titled LinterNew features
Section titled New features-
Add the rule noSkippedTests, to disallow skipped tests:
describe.skip("test", () => {});it.skip("test", () => {});Contributed by @ematipico
Add the rule noFocusedTests, to disallow skipped tests:
describe.only("test", () => {});it.only("test", () => {});Contributed by @ematipico
Add rule useSortedClasses, to sort CSS utility classes:
<div class="px-2 foo p-4 bar" /><div class="foo·bar·p-4·px-2" />Contributed by @DaniGuardiola
Add rule noUndeclaredependencies, to detect the use of dependencies that aren’t present in the
Add rule noNamespaceImport, to report namespace imports:
import * as foo from "foo";Contributed by @unvalley
Add partial support for
files. Biome is able to lint and fix the frontmatter of the Astro files. Contributed by @ematipico---delete = undefined---<div></div> -
Add partial support for
files. Biome is able to lint and fix the script block of the Vue files. Contributed by @nhedger<script setup lang="ts">delete = undefined<script><template></template> -
Add rule useNodeAssertStrict, which promotes the use of
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add rule noExportsInTest which disallows
in files containing test. Contributed by @ah-yu -
Add rule noSemicolonInJsx to detect possible wrong semicolons inside JSX elements.
const Component = () => {return (<div><div />;</div>);}Contributed by @fujiyamaorange
Add rule noBarrelFile, to report the usage of barrel file:
export * from "foo";Contributed by @togami2864
Section titled Enhancements-
noUselessTernary now provides unsafe code fixes. Contributed by @vasucp1207
noApproximativeNumericConstant now provides unsafe code fixes and handle numbers without leading zero and numbers with digit separators.
The following numbers are now reported as approximated constants.
3.14_15; // PI.4342; // LOG10EContributed by @Conaclos
noPrecisionLoss no longer reports number with extra zeros.
The following numbers are now valid.
.1230000000000000000000000;1230000000000000000000000.0;Contributed by @Conaclos
useNamingConvention now supports unicase letters (#1786).
unicase letters have a single case: they are neither uppercase nor lowercase. Previously, Biome reported names in unicase as invalid. It now accepts a name in unicase everywhere.
The following code is now accepted:
const 안녕하세요 = { 안녕하세요: 0 };We still reject a name that mixes unicase characters with lowercase or uppercase characters: The following names are rejected:
const A안녕하세요 = { a안녕하세요: 0 };Contributed by @Conaclos
useNamingConvention and useFilenamingConvention now provides a new option
to require identifiers to be in ASCII.To avoid any breaking change, this option is turned off by default. We intend to turn it on in the next major release of Biome (Biome 2.0).
Set the
rule option totrue
to require identifiers to be in ASCII.{"linter": {"rules": {"style": {"useNamingConvention": { "options": { "requireAscii": false } }},"nursery": {"useFilenamingConvention": { "options": { "requireAscii": false } }}}}}Contributed by @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix missing link in noStaticOnlyClass documentation. Contributed by @yndajas
noConfusingVoidType no longer reports valid use of the void type in conditional types (#1812).
The rule no longer reports the following code:
type Conditional<T> = T extends void ? Record<string, never> : TContributed by @lucasweng
noInvalidUseBeforeDeclaration no longer reports valid use of binding patterns (#1648).
The rule no longer reports the following code:
const { a = 0, b = a } = {};Contributed by @Conaclos
noUnusedVariables no longer reports used binding patterns (#1652).
The rule no longer reports
as unused the following code:const { a = 0, b = a } = {};export { b };Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #1651. noVar now ignores TsGlobalDeclaration. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Fix #1640. useEnumInitializers code action now generates valid code when last member has a comment but no comma. Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #1653. Handle a shorthand value in
to avoid the false-positive case. Contributed by @togami2864 -
Fix #1656. useOptionalChain code action now correctly handles logical and chains where methods with the same name are invoked with different arguments:
tags·&&·tags.includes('a')·&&·tags.includes('b')tags?.includes('a') && tags.includes('b')Contributed by @lucasweng
Fix #1704. Convert
to escaped slash\/
to avoid parsing error in the result of autofix. Contributed by @togami2864 -
Fix#1697. Preserve leading trivia in autofix of suppression rules. Contributed by @togami2864
Fix #603. Trim trailing whitespace to avoid double insertion. Contributed by @togami2864
Fix #1765. Now the rule
doesn’t trigger when deleting a dataset:delete element.dataset.prop;Contributed by @ematipico
useNamingConvention and useFilenamingConvention now reject identifiers with consecutive delimiters.
The following name is now invalid because it includes two underscores:
export const MY__CONSTANT = 0;Note that we still allow consecutive leading and consecutive trailing underscores.
Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #1932 Allow redeclaration of type parameters in different declarations. Contributed by @keita-hino
Section titled ParserBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1728. Correctly parse the global declaration when the
token is on the line following theglobal
keyword.Now the following code is correctly parsed:
declare global{ }declare module foo {global{ }}Contributed by @ah-yu
Fix #1730. Correctly parse
expressions with operands that are not simple member expressions.delete(a.b);delete console.log(1);delete(() => {});Contributed by @printfn
1.5.3 (2024-01-22)
Section titled 1.5.3 (2024-01-22)Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1584. Ensure the LSP only registers the formatter once. Contributed by @nhedger
Fix #1589. Fix invalid formatting of own line comments when they were at the end of an import/export list. Contributed by @spanishpear
Section titled ConfigurationBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Override correctly the recommended preset (#1349).
Previously, if unspecified, Biome turned on the recommended preset in overrides. This resulted in reporting diagnostics with a severity level set to
. This in turn caused Biome to fail.Now Biome won’t switch on the recommended preset in
unless told to do so.Contributed by @Conaclos
Don’t format ignored files that are well-known JSONC files when
is enabled (#1607).Previously, Biome always formatted files that are known to be JSONC files (e.g.
) whenfiles.ignoreUnknown
was enabled.Contributed by @Conaclos
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #1178, where the line ending option wasn’t correctly applied. Contributed by @ematipico
- Fix #1571. Fix invalid formatting of nested multiline comments. Contributed by @ah-yu
Section titled LinterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixesFix #1575. noArrayIndexKey now captures array index value inside template literals and with string concatination. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Linter rules that inspect regexes now handle multibyte characters correctly (#1522).
Previously, noMisleadingCharacterClass, noMultipleSpacesInRegularExpressionLiterals, and noEmptyCharacterClassInRegex made Biome errors on multi-bytes characters. Multibyte characters are now handled correctly.
The following code no longer raises an internal error:
// Cyrillic characters/[\u200E\u2066-\u2069]/gu;Contributed by @Conaclos
useExhaustiveDependencies no longer made Biome errors in code TypeScript import equal declarations (#1194). Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix typo in the diagnostic of noNodejsModules. Contributed by @huseeiin
Section titled ParserBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Accept the
modifier for type parameter in method type signature (#1624).The following code is now correctly parsed:
type Foo = {<const T>();method<const T>();};Contributed by @magic-akari
Correctly parse type arguments in expression(#1184).
The following code is now correctly parsed in typescript:
0 < (0 >= 1);Contributed by @ah-yu
Section titled Website- Add a page that maps the Biome rule to its source. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled Fixes-
Generate Open Graph images based on the linked page. Contributed by @ematipico
Fix examples of the git hook page. Contributed by @9renpoto, @lmauromb, and @Conaclos
Fix dead and erroneous hyperlinks. Contributed by @Sec-ant and Conaclos
1.5.2 (2024-01-15)
Section titled 1.5.2 (2024-01-15)Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1512 by skipping verbose diagnostics from the count. Contributed by @ematipico
Correctly handle cascading
.Previously Biome incorrectly included files that were included at tool level and ignored at global level. In the following example,
was formatted when it should have been ignored. Now, Biome correctly ignores the directory./src/sub/
.Terminal window ❯ tree srcsrc└── sub└── file.js❯ cat biome.json{"files": { "ignore": ["./src/sub/"] },"formatter": { "include": ["./src"] }}Contributed by @Conaclos
Don’t emit verbose warnings when a protected file is ignored.
Some files, such as
, are protected. Biome emits a verbose warning when it encounters a protected file.Previously, Biome emitted this verbose warning even if the file was ignored by the configuration. Now, it doesn’t emit verbose warnings for protected files that are ignored.
Contributed by @Conaclos
no longer affect which files are ignored. Contributed by @Conaclos -
The file
can’t be ignored anymore. Contributed by @ematipico -
Fix #1541 where the content of protected files wasn’t returned to
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Don’t handle CSS files, the formatter isn’t ready yet. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled ConfigurationBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix 1440, a case where
weren’t correctly emitting the final configuration. Contributed by @arendjr -
Correctly handle
is set (#1468). Contributed by @ConaclosPreviously, Biome ignored
was set. Now, Biome check bothinclude
. A file is processed if it is included and not ignored. Ifinclude
is not set all files are considered included.
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix placement of comments before
token in generator methods with decorators. #1537 Contributed by @ah-yu -
Fix #1406. Ensure comments before the
keyword are placed before it. Contributed by @ah-yu -
Fix #1172. Fix placement of line comment after function expression parentheses, they are now attached to first statement in body. Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #1511 that made the JavaScript formatter crash. Contributed @Conaclos
Section titled LinterEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements-
Add an unsafe code fix for noConsoleLog. Contributed by @vasucp1207
useArrowFunction no longer reports function in
clauses or in anew
expression. Contributed by @ConaclosThese cases require the presence of a prototype.
Add dependency variable names on error message when useExhaustiveDependencies rule shows errors. Contributed by @mehm8128
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
The fix of useArrowFunction now adds parentheses around the arrow function in more cases where it is needed (#1524).
A function expression doesn’t need parentheses in most expressions where it can appear. This is not the case with the arrow function. We previously added parentheses when the function appears in a call or member expression. We now add parentheses in binary-like expressions and other cases where they are needed, hopefully covering all cases.
f = f ?? function() {};f = f ?? () => {};Now:
f = f ?? function() {};f = f ?? (() => {});Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #1514. Fix autofix suggestion to avoid the syntax error in
. Contributed by @togami2864
1.5.1 (2024-01-10)
Section titled 1.5.1 (2024-01-10)Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- The diagnostics
are now shown only when the option--verbose
is passed. Contributed by @ematipico - The diagnostics for protected files are now shown only when the option
is passed. Contributed by @ematipico - Fix #1465, by taking in consideration the workspace folder when matching a pattern. Contributed by @ematipico
- Fix #1465, by correctly process globs that contain file names. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #1170. Fix placement of comments inside default switch clause. Now all line comments that have a preceding node will keep their position. Contributed by @kalleep
Section titled LinterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixesFix #1335. noUselessFragments now ignores code action on component props when the fragment is empty. Contributed by @vasucp1207
useConsistentArrayType was accidentally placed in the
rule group instead of thenursery
group. It is now correctly placed undernursery
Fix #1483. useConsistentArrayType now correctly handles its option. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #1502. useArrowFunction now correctly handle functions that return a (comma) sequence expression. Contributed by @Conaclos
Previously the rule made an erroneous suggestion:
f(function() { return 0, 1; }, "");f(() => 0, 1, "")
Now, the rule wraps any comma sequence between parentheses:
f(function() { return 0, 1; }, "");f(() => (0, 1), "")
Fix #1473: useHookAtTopLevel now correctly handles React components and hooks that are nested inside other functions. Contributed by @arendjr
1.5.0 (2024-01-08)
Section titled 1.5.0 (2024-01-08)Biome now scores 97% compatibility with Prettier and features more than 180 linter rules.
Section titled AnalyzerNew features
Section titled New features-
Biome now shows a diagnostic when it encounters a protected file. Contributed by @ematipico
The command
biome migrate
now updates the$schema
if there’s an outdated version. -
The CLI now takes in consideration the
in the home directory of the user, if it exists. Contributed by @ematipico -
biome ci
command is now able to print GitHub Workflow Commands when there are diagnostics in our code. Contributed by @nikeee This might require setting the proper permissions on your GitHub action:permissions:pull-requests: write -
The commands
now accept two new arguments:--changed
. Use these options with the VCS integration is enabled to process only the files that were changed. Contributed by @simonxabrisTerminal window biome format --write --changed -
Introduced a new command called
biome explain
, which has the capability to display documentation for lint rules. Contributed by @kalleep -
You can use the command
biome explain
to print the documentation of lint rules. Contributed by @kalleepTerminal window biome explain noDebuggerbiome explain useAltText -
You can use the command
biome explain
to print the directory where daemon logs are stored. Contributed by @ematipicoTerminal window biome explain daemon-logs -
Removed the hard coded limit of 200 printable diagnostics. Contributed by @ematipico
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1247, Biome now prints a warning diagnostic if it encounters files that can’t handle. Contributed by @ematipico
You can ignore unknown file types using the
configuration inbiome.json
:{"files": {"ignoreUnknown": true}}Or the
CLI option:Terminal window biome format --files-ignore-unknown=true --write . -
Fix #709 and #805 by correctly parsing
files. Contributed by @ematipico -
Fix #1117 by correctly respecting the matching. Contributed by @ematipico
Fix #691 and #1190, by correctly apply the configuration when computing
configuration. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled ConfigurationNew features
Section titled New features-
Users can specify git ignore patterns inside
properties, for example it’s possible to allow list globs of files using the!
character:{"files": {"ignore": ["node_modules/**","!**/dist/**" // this is now accepted and allow files inside the `dist` folder]}}
Section titled EditorsNew features
Section titled New features-
The LSP registers formatting without the need of using dynamic capabilities from the client.
This brings formatting services to the editors that don’t support or have limited support for dynamic capabilities.
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1169. Account for escaped strings when computing layout for assignments. Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #851. Allow regular function expressions to group and break as call arguments, just like arrow function expressions. #1003 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix #914. Only parenthesize type-casted function expressions as default exports. #1023 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix #1112. Break block bodies in case clauses onto their own lines and preserve trailing fallthrough comments. #1035 Contributed by @faultyserver
behavior to also removed conditional expanded content, ensuring no accidental, unused line breaks are included #1032 Contributed by @faultyserver -
Fix #1024. Allow JSX expressions to nestle in arrow chains #1033 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix incorrect breaking on the left side of assignments by always using fluid assignment. #1021 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix breaking strategy for nested object patterns in function parameters #1054 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix over-indention of arrow chain expressions by simplifying the way each chain is grouped #1036, #1136, and #1162 Contributed by @faultyserver.
Fix “simple” checks for calls and member expressions to correctly handle array accesses, complex arguments to single-argument function calls, and multiple-argument function calls. #1057 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix text wrapping and empty line handling for JSX Text elements to match Prettier’s behavior. #1075 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix leading comments in concisely-printed arrays to prevent unwanted line breaks. #1135 Contributed by @faultyserver
and interned elements preventing expansion propagation from sibling elements. #1141 Contributed by @faultyserver -
Fix heuristic for grouping function parameters when type parameters with constraints are present. #1153. Contributed by @faultyserver.
Fix binary-ish and type annotation handling for grouping call arguments in function expressions and call signatures. #1152 and #1160 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix handling of nestled JSDoc comments to preserve behavior for overloads. #1195 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix #1208. Fix extraction of inner types when checking for simple type annotations in call arguments. #1195 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix #1220. Avoid duplicating comments in type unions for mapped, empty object, and empty tuple types. #1240 Contributed by @faultyserver
Fix #1356. Ensure
content is always written inRemoveSoftLinesBuffer
s. #1357 Contributed by @faultyserver -
Fix #1171. Correctly format empty statement with comment inside arrow body when used as single argument in call expression. Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #1106. Fix invalid formatting of single bindings when Arrow Parentheses is set to “AsNeeded” and the expression breaks over multiple lines. #1449 Contributed by @faultyserver
JavaScript APIs
Section titled JavaScript APIsLinter
Section titled LinterPromoted rules
Section titled Promoted rulesNew rules are incubated in the nursery group. Once stable, we promote them to a stable group. The following rules are promoted:
- a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable
- a11y/useValidAriaRole
- complexity/useRegexLiterals
- suspicious/noImplicitAnyLet
- style/noDefaultExport
New features
Section titled New features-
Add useExportType that enforces the use of type-only exports for types. Contributed by @Conaclos
interface A {}interface B {}class C {}export type { A, C }export { type A, C }export { type B }export type { B } -
Add useImportType that enforces the use of type-only imports for types. Contributed by @Conaclos
import { A, B } from "./mod.js";import { type A, B } from "mod";let a: A;const b: B = new B();Also, the rule groups type-only imports:
import { type A, type B } from "./mod.js";import type { A, B } from "./mod.js"; -
Add useFilenamingConvention, that enforces naming conventions for JavaScript and TypeScript filenames. Contributed by @Conaclos
By default, the rule requires that a filename be in
, or matches the name of anexport
in the file. The rule provides options to restrict the allowed cases. -
Add useNodejsImportProtocol that enforces the use of the
protocol when importing Node.js modules. Contributed by @2-NOW, @vasucp1207, and @Conaclosimport fs from "fs";import fs from "node:fs"; -
Add useNumberNamespace that enforces the use of the
properties instead of the global ones.parseInt;Number.parseInt;- Infinity;Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; -
Add useShorthandFunctionType that enforces using function types instead of object type with call signatures. Contributed by @emab, @ImBIOS, and @seitarof
interface Example {(): string;}type Example = () => string
- Add [noNodejsModules](, that disallows the use of _Node.js_ modules. Contributed by @anonrig, @ematipico, and @Conaclos
- Add [noInvalidUseBeforeDeclaration]( that reports variables and function parameters used before their declaration. Contributed by @Conaclos
```js function f() { console.log(c); // Use of `c` before its declaration. const c = 0; }
Add useConsistentArrayType that enforces the use of a consistent syntax for array types. Contributed by @eryue0220
This rule will replace useShorthandArrayType. It provides an option to choose between the shorthand or the generic syntax.
Add noEmptyTypeParameters that ensures that any type parameter list has at least one type parameter. Contributed by @togami2864
This will report the following empty type parameter lists:
interface Foo<> {}// ^^type Bar<> = {};// ^^ -
Add noGlobalEval that reports any use of the global
. Contributed by @you-5805 -
Add noGlobalAssign that reports assignment to global variables. Contributed by @chansuke
Object = {}; // report assignment to `Object`. -
Add noMisleadingCharacterClass that disallows characters made with multiple code points in character class. Contributed by @togami2864
Add noThenProperty that disallows the use of
as property name. Adding athen
property makes an object thenable that can lead to errors with Promises. Contributed by @togami2864 -
Add noUselessTernary that disallows conditional expressions ( ternaries) when simpler alternatives exist.
var a = x ? true : true; // this could be simplified to `x`
Section titled Enhancements-
noEmptyInterface ignores empty interfaces that extend a type. Address #959 and #1157. Contributed by @Conaclos
This allows supporting interface augmentation in external modules as demonstrated in the following example:
interface Extension {metadata: unknown;}declare module "@external/module" {// Empty interface that extends a type.export interface ExistingInterface extends Extension {}} -
Preserve more comments in the code fix of useExponentiationOperator. Contributed by @Conaclos
The rule now preserves comments that follow the (optional) trailing comma.
For example, the rule now suggests the following code fix:
Math.pow(a, // a2, // 2);a ** // a2 // 2 -
element is now considered as a non-interactive HTML element (#1095). Contributed by @chansukeThis affects the following rules:
noMultipleSpacesInRegularExpressionLiterals has a safe code fix. Contributed by @Conaclos
useArrowFunction ignores expressions that use
. Contributed by @Conaclos -
noForEach now reports only calls that use a callback with
parameter. Address #547. Contributed by @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixesFix #1061. noRedeclare
no longer reports overloads of export default function
. Contributed by @Conaclos
The following code is no longer reported:
export default function(a: boolean): boolean;export default function(a: number): number;export default function(a: number | boolean): number | boolean { return a;}
Fix #651, useExhaustiveDependencies no longer reports out of scope dependencies. Contributed by @kalleep
The following code is no longer reported:
let outer = false;
const Component = ({}) => { useEffect(() => { outer = true; }, []);}
Fix #1191. noUselessElse
now preserve comments of the else
clause. Contributed by @Conaclos
For example, the rule suggested the following fix:
function f(x) { if (x <0) { return 0; } // Comment else { return x; }}
Now the rule suggests a fix that preserves the comment of the else
function f(x) { if (x <0) { return 0; } // Comment else { return x; }}
Fix #1383. noConfusingVoidType
now accepts the void
type in type parameter lists.
The rule no longer reports the following code:
Fix #728. useSingleVarDeclarator no longer outputs invalid code. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #1167. useValidAriaProps
no longer reports aria-atomic
as invalid. Contributed by @unvalley
Fix #1192. useTemplate now correctly handles parenthesized expressions and respects type coercions. Contributed by @n-gude
These cases are now properly handled:
"a" + (1 + 2) // `a${1 + 2}`
1 + (2 + "a") // `${1}${2}a`
Fix #1456. useTemplate now reports expressions with an interpolated template literal and non-string expressions. Contributed by @n-gude
The following code is now reported:
`a${1}` + 2;
Fix #1436. useArrowFunction now applies a correct fix when a function expression is used in a call expression or a member access. Contributed by @Conaclos
For example, the rule proposed the following fix:
const called = function() {}();const called = () => {}();
It now proposes a fix that adds the needed parentheses:
const called = function() {}();const called = (() => {})();
Fix #696. useHookAtTopLevel now correctly detects early returns before the calls to the hook.
The code fix of noUselessTypeCOnstraint now adds a trailing comma when needed to disambiguate a type parameter list from a JSX element. COntributed by @Conaclos
Fix #578. useExhaustiveDependencies
now correctly recognizes hooks namespaced under the React
namespace. Contributed by @XiNiHa
Fix #910. noSvgWithoutTitle
now ignores <svg>
element with aria-hidden="true"
. COntributed by @vasucp1207
Section titled ParserBREAKING CHANGES
Section titled BREAKING CHANGES-
The representation of imports has been simplified. Contributed by @Conaclos
The new representation is closer to the ECMAScript standard. It provides a single way of representing a namespace import such as
import * as ns from ""
. It rules out some invalid states that was previously representable. For example, it is no longer possible to represent a combined import with atype
qualifier such asimport type D, { N } from ""
.See #1163 for more details.
New features
Section titled New features-
Imports and exports with both an import attribute and a
qualifier are now reported as parse errors.import type A from "mod" with { type: "json" };// ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^// parse error
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #1077 where parenthesized identifiers in conditional expression were being parsed as arrow expressions. Contributed by @kalleep
These cases are now properly parsed:
a ? (b) : a => {};TypeScript:
a ? (b) : a => {};JSX:
bar ? (foo) : (<a>{() => {}}</a>); -
Allow empty type parameter lists for interfaces and type aliases (#1237). COntributed by @togami2864
TypeScript allows interface declarations and type aliases to have empty type parameter lists. Previously Biome didn’t handle this edge case. Now, it correctly parses this syntax:
interface Foo<> {}type Bar<> = {};
Section titled CratesBREAKING CHANGES
Section titled BREAKING CHANGES- Rename the
crate tobiome_unicode_table
(#1302). COntributed by @chansuke
1.4.1 (2023-11-30)
Section titled 1.4.1 (2023-11-30)Editors
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #933. Some files are properly ignored in the LSP too.
, etc. - Fix #1394, by inferring the language extension from the internal saved files. Now newly created files JavaScript correctly show diagnostics.
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix some accidental line breaks when printing array expressions within arrow functions and other long lines #917. Contributed by @faultyserver
Match Prettier’s breaking strategy for
layouts #934. Contributed by @faultyserver -
Fix double-printing of leading comments in arrow chain expressions #951. Contributed by @faultyserver
Section titled LinterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #910, where the rule
should skip elements that havearia-hidden
attributes. Contributed by @vasucp1207
New features
Section titled New features- Add useForOf rule. The rule recommends a for-of loop when the loop index is only used to read from an array that is being iterated. Contributed by @victor-teles
Section titled Enhancement-
Address #924 and #920. noUselessElse now ignores
clauses that follow at least oneif
statement that doesn’t break early. Contributed by @ConaclosFor example, the following code is no longer reported by the rule:
function f(x) {if (x < 0) {// this `if` doesn't break early.} else if (x > 0) {return x;} else {// This `else` block was previously reported as useless.}}
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixesFix #918. useSimpleNumberKeys no longer repports false positive on comments. Contributed by @kalleep
Fix #953. noRedeclare no longer reports type parameters with the same name in different mapped types as redeclarations. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #608. useExhaustiveDependencies no longer repports missing dependencies for React hooks without dependency array. Contributed by @kalleep
Section titled Parser1.4.0 (2023-11-27)
Section titled 1.4.0 (2023-11-27)-
Remove the CLI options from the
, as they were never meant to be passed to that command. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
commands. It’s now possible to tell the Daemon server to loadbiome.json
from a custom path. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
. It lets users control the level of diagnostics printed by the CLI. Possible values are:"info"
, and"hint"
. Contributed by @simonxabris -
Add option
to theformat
command. Contributed by @SuperchupuDev -
Add option
to theformat
command. Contributed by @faultyserve -
Add option
to theformat
command. Contributed by @faultyserve
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix the command
, now it returns a non-zero exit code when if there pending diffs. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled FormatterNew features
Section titled New features-
Add the configuration
. It allows changing the type of line endings. Contributed by @SuperchupuDev -
Add the configuration
. It allows controlling whether ending>
of a multi-line JSX element should be on the last attribute line or not. #627. Contributed by @faultyserver -
Add the configuration
. It allows controlling whether spaces are inserted around the brackets of object literals. #627. Contributed by @faultyserver
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #832, the formatter no longer keeps an unnecessary trailing comma in type parameter lists. Contributed by @Conaclos
class A<T,> {}class A<T> {} -
Fix #301, the formatter should not break before the
keyword. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled LinterPromoted rules
Section titled Promoted rules- a11y/noInteractiveElementToNoninteractiveRole
- complexity/noThisInStatic
- complexity/useArrowFunction
- correctness/noEmptyCharacterClassInRegex
- correctness/noInvalidNewBuiltin
- style/noUselessElse
- style/useAsConstAssertion
- style/useShorthandAssign
- suspicious/noApproximativeNumericConstant
- suspicious/noMisleadingInstantiator
- suspicious/noMisrefactoredShorthandAssign
The following rules are now recommended:
The following rules are now deprecated:
- correctness/noNewSymbol The rule is replaced by correctness/noInvalidNewBuiltin
New features
Section titled New features-
Add noDefaultExport which disallows
export default
. Contributed by @Conaclos -
Add noAriaHiddenOnFocusable which reports hidden and focusable elements. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Add noImplicitAnyLet that reports variables declared with
and without initialization and type annotation. Contributed by @TaKO8Ki and @b4s36t4 -
Add useAwait that reports
functions that don’t use anawait
expression. -
Add useValidAriaRole. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Add useRegexLiterals that suggests turning call to the regex constructor into regex literals. COntributed by @Yuiki
Section titled Enhancements- Add an unsafe code fix for a11y/useAriaActivedescendantWithTabindex
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #639 by ignoring unused TypeScript’s mapped key. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #565 by handling several
with the same name in extends clauses of TypeScript’s conditional types. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #653. noUnusedImports
now correctly removes the entire line where the unused import
is. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #607
, ignore optional chaining, Contributed by @msdlisper -
Fix #676, by using the correct node for the
when applying the code action. Contributed by @ematipico -
Fix #455. The CLI can now print complex emojis to the console correctly.
Fix #727. noInferrableTypes
now correctly keeps type annotations when the initialization expression is null
. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #784, noSvgWithoutTitle
fixes false-positives to aria-label
and reports svg’s role attribute is implicit. Contributed by @unvalley
Fix #834 that made noUselessLoneBlockStatements reports block statements of switch clauses. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Fix #783 that made noUselessLoneBlockStatements reports block statements of
structures. Contributed by @hougesen -
Fix #69 that made correctness/noUnnecessaryContinue incorrectly reports a
used to break a switch clause. Contributed by @TaKO8Ki -
Fix #664 by improving the diagnostic of style/useNamingConvention when double capital are detected in strict camel case mode. Contributed by @vasucp1207
Fix #643 that erroneously parsed the option of complexity/useExhaustiveDependencies. Contributed by @arendjr
Section titled ParserBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #846 that erroneously parsed
<const T,>() => {}
as a JSX tag instead of an arrow function when both TypeScript and JSX are enabled.
Section titled VSCode1.3.3 (2023-10-31)
Section titled 1.3.3 (2023-10-31)Analyzer
Section titled AnalyzerBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #604 which
made noConfusingVoidType report false positives when
type is used in a generic type parameter. Contributed by @unvalley
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix how
behave. Nowignore
apply or not the override pattern, so they override each other. Now the options insideoverrides
override the top-level options. - Bootstrap the logger only when needed. Contributed by @ematipico
- Fix how
are run. The propertiesignore
have different semantics and only apply/not apply an override. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #592, by changing binary resolution in the IntelliJ plugin. Contributed by @Joshuabaker2
Section titled FormatterBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Apply the correct layout when the right hand of an assignment expression is an
expression or a yield expression. Contributed by @ematipico -
Fix #303, where nested arrow functions didn’t break. Contributed by @victor-teles
Section titled LinterNew features
Section titled New features- Add noUnusedPrivateClassMembers rule. The rule disallow unused private class members. Contributed by @victor-teles
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #175 which made noRedeclare report index signatures using the name of a variable in the parent scope.
Fix #557 which made noUnusedImports report imported types used in
expression. Contributed by @Conaclos -
Fix #576 by removing some erroneous logic in noSelfAssign. Contributed by @ematipico
Fix #861 that made noUnusedVariables always reports the parameter of a non-parenthesize arrow function as unused.
Fix #595 by updating unsafe-apply logic to avoid unexpected errors in noUselessFragments. Contributed by @nissy-dev
Fix #591 which made noRedeclare report type parameters with identical names but in different method signatures. Contributed by @Conaclos
Support more a11y roles and fix some methods for a11y lint rules Contributed @nissy-dev
Fix #609
, by removinguseContext
from the known hooks. Contributed by @msdlisper -
, by removinguseContext
from the known hooks. Contributed by @msdlisper -
Fix #871 and #610. Now
correctly handles nested functions. Contributed by @arendjr -
The options of the rule
are deprecated and will be removed in Biome 2.0. The rule now determines the hooks using the naming convention set by React.{"linter": {"rules": {"correctness": {"useHookAtTopLevel": "error","useHookAtTopLevel": {"level": "error","options": {"hooks": [{"name": "useLocation","closureIndex": 0,"dependenciesIndex": 1},{ "name": "useQuery", "closureIndex": 1, "dependenciesIndex": 0 }]}}}}}}
Section titled ParserEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements- Support RegExp v flag. Contributed by @nissy-dev
- Improve error messages. Contributed by @ematipico
1.3.1 (2023-10-20)
Section titled 1.3.1 (2023-10-20)Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix
command, now it doesn’t print info about running servers. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #552, where the formatter isn’t correctly triggered in Windows systems. Contributed by @victor-teles
Section titled LinterNew features
Section titled New features- Add noThisInStatic rule. Contributed by @ditorodev and @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #548 which made noSelfAssign panic.
Fix #555, by correctly map
into the workspace.
1.3.0 (2023-10-19)
Section titled 1.3.0 (2023-10-19)Analyzer
Section titled AnalyzerEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements-
Import sorting is safe to apply now, and it will be applied when running
check --apply
instead ofcheck --apply-unsafe
. -
Import sorting now handles Bun imports
, absolute path imports/<path>
, and Node’s subpath imports#<name>
. See our documentation for more details. Contributed by @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #319. The command
biome lint
now shows the correct options. Contributed by @ematipico - Fix #312. Running
biome --version
now exits with status code0
instead of1
. Contributed by @nhedger - Fix a bug where the
functionality doesn’t carry overorganizeImports.ignore
. Contributed by @ematipico - The CLI now returns the original content when using
and the original content doesn’t change. Contributed by @ematipico
New features
Section titled New features-
Add support for
environment variable to override the location of the binary. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
, and deprecated the option--indent-size
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
, and deprecated the option--javascript-formatter-indent-size
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
, and deprecated the option--json-formatter-indent-size
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
tobiome rage
. The option is required to view Biome daemon server logs. Contributed by @unvalley -
Add support for logging. By default, Biome doesn’t log anything other than diagnostics. Logging can be enabled with the new option
:Terminal window biome format --log-level=info ./srcThere are four different levels of logging, from the most verbose to the least verbose:
. Here’s how anINFO
log will look like:2023-10-05T08:27:01.954727Z INFO Analyze file ./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsxat crates/biome_service/src/file_handlers/ on biome::worker_5in Pulling diagnostics with categories: RuleCategories(SYNTAX)in Processes formatting with path: "./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx"in Process check with path: "./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx"You can customize how the log will look like with a new option
. The supported kinds are:pretty
is the default logging. Here’s how acompact
log will look like:2023-10-05T08:29:04.864247Z INFO biome::worker_2 Process check:Processes linting:Pulling diagnostics: crates/biome_service/src/file_handlers/ Analyze file ./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx" path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx" categories=RuleCategories(LINT)2023-10-05T08:29:04.864290Z INFO biome::worker_7 Process check:Processes formatting: crates/biome_service/src/file_handlers/ Format file ./website/src/playground/components/Tabs.tsx path="./website/src/playground/components/Tabs.tsx" path="./website/src/playground/components/Tabs.tsx"2023-10-05T08:29:04.879332Z INFO biome::worker_2 Process check:Processes formatting:Pulling diagnostics: crates/biome_service/src/file_handlers/ Analyze file ./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx" path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx" categories=RuleCategories(SYNTAX)2023-10-05T08:29:04.879383Z INFO biome::worker_2 Process check:Processes formatting: crates/biome_service/src/file_handlers/ Format file ./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx" path="./website/src/playground/components/Resizable.tsx"
Section titled Enhancements- Deprecated the environment variable
instead. Contributed by @ematipico - Biome doesn’t check anymore the presence of the
folder when VCS support is enabled. Contributed by @ematipico biome rage
doesn’t print the logs of the daemon, usebiome rage --daemon-logs
to print them. Contributed by @unvalley
Section titled ConfigurationNew features
Section titled New features-
Add option
, and deprecated the optionformatter.indentSize
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
, and deprecated the optionjavascript.formatter.indentSize
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
, and deprecated the optionjson.formatter.indentSize
. Contributed by @ematipico -
Add option
to multiple sections of the configurationfiles.include
; Wheninclude
are both specified,ignore
takes precedence overinclude
Add option
, where users can modify the behaviour of the tools for certain files or paths.For example, it’s possible to modify the formatter
, and evenquoteStyle
for certain files that are included in glob pathgenerated/**
:{"formatter": {"lineWidth": 100},"overrides": [{"include": ["generated/**"],"formatter": {"lineWidth": 160},"javascript": {"formatter": {"quoteStyle": "single"}}}]}Or, you can disable certain rules for certain path, and disable the linter for other paths:
{"linter": {"enabled": true,"rules": {"recommended": true}},"overrides": [{"include": ["lib/**"],"linter": {"rules": {"suspicious": {"noDebugger": "off"}}}},{"include": ["shims/**"],"linter": {"enabled": false}}]}
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix #343,
was incorrectly applied to thebiome.json
file. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #404. Biome intellij plugin now works on Windows. Contributed by @victor-teles
Fix #402. Biome
on intellij plugin now recognize biome.json. Contributed by @victor-teles
Section titled FormatterEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements- Use
for the Memoized memory because that’s what theRefCell<Option>
implemented. Contributed by @denbezrukov
Section titled LinterPromoted rules
Section titled Promoted rules- complexity/noExcessiveCognitiveComplexity
- complexity/noVoid
- correctness/useExhaustiveDependencies
- correctness/useHookAtTopLevel
- performance/noAccumulatingSpread
- style/useCollapsedElseIf
- suspicious/noConfusingVoidType
- suspicious/noFallthroughSwitchClause
- suspicious/noGlobalIsFinite
- suspicious/noGlobalIsNan
- suspicious/useIsArray
The following rules are now recommended:
New features
Section titled New features-
Add noEmptyCharacterClassInRegex rule. The rule reports empty character classes and empty negated character classes in regular expression literals. Contributed by @Conaclos
Add noMisleadingInstantiator rule. The rule reports the misleading use of the
methods. Contributed by @unvalley -
Add noUselessElse rule. The rule reports
clauses that can be omitted because theirif
branches break. Contributed by @Conaclos -
Add noUnusedImports rule. The rule reports unused imports and suggests removing them. Contributed by @Conaclos
noUnusedVariables reports also unused imports, but don’t suggest their removal. Once noUnusedImports stabilized, noUnusedVariables will not report unused imports.
Add useShorthandAssign rule. The rule enforce use of shorthand operators that combine variable assignment and some simple mathematical operations. For example, x = x + 4 can be shortened to x += 4. Contributed by @victor-teles
Add useAsConstAssertion rule. The rule enforce use of
as const
assertion to infer literal types. Contributed by @unvalley -
Add noMisrefactoredShorthandAssign rule. The rule reports shorthand assigns when variable appears on both sides. For example
x += x + b
Contributed by @victor-teles -
Add noApproximativeNumericConstant rule. Contributed by @nikeee
Add noInteractiveElementToNoninteractiveRole rule. The rule enforces the non-interactive ARIA roles are not assigned to interactive HTML elements. Contributed by @nissy-dev
Add useAriaActivedescendantWithTabindex rule. The rule enforces that
is assigned to non-interactive HTML elements witharia-activedescendant
. Contributed by @nissy-dev -
Add noUselessLoneBlockStatements rule. The rule reports standalone blocks that don’t include any lexical scoped declaration. Contributed by @emab
Add noInvalidNewBuiltin rule. The rule reports use of
. Contributed by @lucasweng
Section titled Enhancements-
The following rules have now safe code fixes:
noAccumulatingSpread makes more check in order to reduce potential false positives. Contributed by @Vivalldi
noConstAssign now provides an unsafe code fix that replaces
. Contributed by @vasucp1207 -
noExcessiveComplexity default complexity threshold is now
. Contributed by @arendjr -
noPositiveTabindexValue now provides an unsafe code fix that set to
the tab index. Contributed by @vasucp1207 -
noUnusedLabels no longer reports unbreakable labeled statements. Contributed by @Conaclos
noUnusedVariables now reports unused TypeScript’s type parameters. Contributed by @Conaclos
useAnchorContent now provides an unsafe code fix that removes the `aria-hidden“ attribute. Contributed by @vasucp1207
useValidAriaProps now provides an unsafe code fix that removes invalid properties. Contributed by @vasucp1207
was renamed tonoExcessiveCognitiveComplexity
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixesFix #294. noConfusingVoidType no longer reports false positives for return types. Contributed by @b4s36t4
Fix #313. noRedundantUseStrict now keeps leading comments.
Fix #383. noMultipleSpacesInRegularExpressionLiterals now provides correct code fixes when consecutive spaces are followed by a quantifier. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #397. useNumericLiterals now provides correct code fixes for signed numbers. Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix 452. The linter panicked when it met a malformed regex (a regex not ending with a slash).
Fix #104. We now correctly handle types and values with the same name.
Fix #243 a false positive case where the incorrect scope was defined for the
type in rule noUndeclaredVariables. Contributed by @denbezrukov -
Fix #322, now noSelfAssign correctly handles literals inside call expressions.
Changed how noSelfAssign behaves. The rule is not triggered anymore on function calls. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled Parser-
Enhance diagnostic for infer type handling in the parser. The ‘infer’ keyword can only be utilized within the ’ extends’ clause of a conditional type. Using it outside this context will result in an error. Ensure that any type declarations using ‘infer’ are correctly placed within the conditional type structure to avoid parsing issues. Contributed by @denbezrukov
Add support for parsing trailing commas inside JSON files:
{"json": {"parser": {"allowTrailingCommas": true}}}Contributed by @nissy-dev
Section titled VSCode1.2.2 (2023-09-16)
Section titled 1.2.2 (2023-09-16)Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix a condition where import sorting wasn’t applied when running
biome check --apply
1.2.1 (2023-09-15)
Section titled 1.2.1 (2023-09-15)Configuration
Section titled Configuration- Fix an edge case where the formatter language configuration wasn’t picked.
- Fix the configuration schema, where
properties weren’t transformed in camel case.
1.2.0 (2023-09-15)
Section titled 1.2.0 (2023-09-15)New features
Section titled New features- Add new options to customize the behaviour the formatter based on the language of the file
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix a bug where
didn’t work when runningbiome ci
Section titled ConfigurationNew features
Section titled New features- Add new options to customize the behaviour of the formatter based on the language of the file
Section titled LinterPromoted rules
Section titled Promoted rulesNew rules are incubated in the nursery group. Once stable, we promote them to a stable group. The following rules are promoted:
- a11y/noAriaUnsupportedElements
- a11y/noNoninteractiveTabindex
- a11y/noRedundantRoles
- a11y/useValidAriaValues
- complexity/noBannedTypes
- complexity/noStaticOnlyClass
- complexity/noUselessEmptyExport
- complexity/noUselessThisAlias
- correctness/noConstantCondition
- correctness/noNonoctalDecimalEscape
- correctness/noSelfAssign
- style/useLiteralEnumMembers
- style/useNamingConvention
- suspicious/noControlCharactersInRegex
- suspicious/noUnsafeDeclarationMerging
- suspicious/useGetterReturn
New rules
Section titled New rules- Add noConfusingVoidType rule. The rule reports the unusual
use of the
type. Contributed by @shulandmimi
Removed rules
Section titled Removed rules-
Code formatters, such as prettier and Biome, always adds parentheses around the parameter or the body of an arrow function. This makes the rule useless.
Contributed by @Conaclos
Section titled Enhancements-
noFallthroughSwitchClause now relies on control flow analysis to report most of the switch clause fallthrough. Contributed by @Conaclos
noAssignInExpressions no longer suggest code fixes. Most of the time the suggestion didn’t match users’ expectations. Contributed by @Conaclos
noUselessConstructor no longer emits safe code fixes. Contributed by @Conaclos
All code fixes are now emitted as unsafe code fixes. Removing a constructor can change the behavior of a program.
useCollapsedElseIf now only provides safe code fixes. Contributed by @Conaclos
noUnusedVariables now reports more cases.
The rule is now able to ignore self-writes. For example, the rule reports the following unused variable:
let a = 0;a++;a += 1;The rule is also capable of detecting an unused declaration that uses itself. For example, the rule reports the following unused interface:
interface I {instance(): I}Finally, the rule now ignores all TypeScript declaration files, including global declaration files.
Contributed by @Conaclos
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #182, making useLiteralKeys retains optional chaining. Contributed by @denbezrukov
Fix #168, fix useExhaustiveDependencies false positive case when stable hook is on a new line. Contributed by @denbezrukov
Fix #137, fix noRedeclare false positive case with TypeScript module declaration:
declare module '*.gif' {const src: string;}declare module '*.bmp' {const src: string;}Contributed by @denbezrukov
Fix #258, fix noUselessFragments the case where the rule removing an assignment. Contributed by @denbezrukov
Fix #266, where
emitted a code action with an invalid AST. Contributed by @ematipico -
Fix #105, removing false positives reported by noUnusedVariables.
The rule no longer reports the following used variable:
const a = f(() => a);Contributed by @Conaclos
Section titled VSCodeEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements-
Improve server binary resolution when using certain package managers, notably pnpm.
The new strategy is to point to
path, which is consistent for all package managers.
1.1.2 (2023-09-07)
Section titled 1.1.2 (2023-09-07)Editors
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Fix a case where an empty JSON file would cause the LSP server to crash. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled LinterEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements-
useNamingConvention now accepts import namespaces in PascalCase and rejects export namespaces in CONSTANT_CASE.
The following code is now valid:
import * as React from "react";And the following code is now invalid:
export * as MY_NAMESPACE from "./lib.js";Contributed by @Conaclos
noUselessConstructor now ignores decorated classes and decorated parameters. The rule now gives suggestions instead of safe fixes when parameters are annotated with types. Contributed by @Conaclos
1.1.1 (2023-09-07)
Section titled 1.1.1 (2023-09-07)Analyzer
Section titled AnalyzerBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- The diagnostic for
// rome-ignore
suppression comment should not be a warning. A warning could block the CI, marking a gradual migration difficult. The code action that changes// rome-ignore
to// biome-ignore
is disabled as consequence. Contributed by @ematipico
1.1.0 (2023-09-06)
Section titled 1.1.0 (2023-09-06)Analyzer
Section titled AnalyzerEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements- Add a code action to replace
. Usebiome check --apply-unsafe
to update all the comments. The action is not bulletproof, and it might generate unwanted code, that’s why it’s unsafe action. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled Enhancements- Biome now reports a diagnostics when a
file is found. biome migrate --write
, but it won’t delete therome.json
file. Contributed by @ematipico
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- Biome uses
first, then it attempts to userome.json
. - Fix a case where Biome couldn’t compute correctly the ignored files when the VSC integration is enabled. Contributed by @ematipico
Section titled ConfigurationEditors
Section titled EditorsBug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes- The LSP now uses its own socket and won’t rely on Biome’s socket. This fixes some cases where users were seeing
multiple servers in the
Section titled FormatterEnhancements
Section titled Enhancements- You can use
// biome-ignore
as suppression comment. - The
// rome-ignore
suppression is deprecated.
JavaScript APIs
Section titled JavaScript APIsLinter
Section titled LinterNew features
Section titled New features- Add useCollapsedElseIf rule. This new rule requires merging
and anif
, if theif
statement is the only statement in theelse
block. Contributed by @n-gude
Section titled Enhancements-
useTemplate now reports all string concatenations.
Previously, the rule ignored concatenation of a value and a newline or a backquote. For example, the following concatenation was not reported:
v + "\n";"`" + v + "`";The rule now reports these cases and suggests the following code fixes:
v + "\n";`${v}\n`;v + "`";`\`${v}\``;Contributed by @Conaclos
useExponentiationOperator suggests better code fixes.
The rule now preserves any comment preceding the exponent, and it preserves any parenthesis around the base or the exponent. It also adds spaces around the exponentiation operator
, and always adds parentheses for pre- and post-updates.Math.pow(a++, /**/ (2))(a++) ** /**/ (2)Contributed by @Conaclos
You can use
// biome-ignore
as suppression comment. -
// rome-ignore
suppression is deprecated.
Bug fixes
Section titled Bug fixes-
Fix #80, making noDuplicateJsxProps case-insensitive.
Some frameworks, such as Material UI, rely on the case-sensitivity of JSX properties. For example, TextField has two properties with the same name, but distinct cases:
<TextField inputLabelProps="" InputLabelProps=""></TextField>Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #138
noCommaOperator now correctly ignores all use of comma operators inside the update part of a
loop. The following code is now correctly ignored:for (let i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;i < 100;i++, j++, k++) {}Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix rome#4713.
Previously, useTemplate made the following suggestion:
a + b + "px"`${a}${b}px`This breaks code where
are numbers.Now, the rule makes the following suggestion:
a + b + "px"`${a + b}px`Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix rome#4109
Previously, useTemplate suggested an invalid code fix when a leading or trailing single-line comment was present:
// leading comment1 /* inner comment */ + "+" + 2 // trailing comment`${// leading comment1 /* inner comment */}+${2 //trailing comment}` // trailing commentNow, the rule correctly handles this case:
// leading comment1 + "+" + 2 // trailing comment`${1}+${2}` // trailing commentAs a sideeffect, the rule also suggests the removal of any inner comments.
Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix rome#3850
Previously useExponentiationOperator suggested invalid code in a specific edge case:
1 +Math.pow(++a, 2)1 +++a**2Now, the rule properly adds parentheses:
1 +Math.pow(++a, 2)1 +(++a) ** 2Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix #106
noUndeclaredVariables now correctly recognizes some TypeScript types such as
.Contributed by @Conaclos
Fix rome#4616
Previously noUnreachableSuper reported valid codes with complex nesting of control flow structures.
Contributed by @Conaclos
1.0.0 (2023-08-28)
Section titled 1.0.0 (2023-08-28)Analyzer
Section titled AnalyzerBREAKING CHANGES
Section titled BREAKING CHANGES-
The organize imports feature now groups import statements by “distance”.
Modules “farther” from the user are put on the top, and modules “closer” to the user are placed on the bottom. Check the documentation for more information about it.
The organize imports tool is enabled by default. If you don’t want to use it, you need to disable it explicitly:
{"organizeImports": {"enabled": false}}
Section titled BREAKING CHANGES-
The CLI now exists with an error when there’s an error inside the configuration.
Previously, biome would raise warnings and continue the execution by applying its defaults.
This could have been better for users because this could have created false positives in linting or formatted code with a configuration that wasn’t the user’s.
The command
biome check
now shows formatter diagnostics when checking the code.The diagnostics presence will result in an error code when the command finishes.
This aligns with semantic and behaviour meant for the command
biome check
. -
command emits abiome.json
Other changes
Section titled Other changes-
Fix #4670, don’t crash at empty default export.
Fix #4556, which correctly handles new lines in the
file across OS. -
Add a new option to ignore unknown files
:Terminal window biome format --files-ignore-unknown ./srcDoing so, Biome won’t emit diagnostics for files that doesn’t know how to handle.
Add the new option
:Terminal window biome format --no-errors-on-unmatched ./srcBiome doesn’t exit with an error code if no files were processed in the given paths.
Fix the diagnostics emitted when running the
biome format
command. -
Biome no longer warns when discovering (possibly infinite) symbolic links between directories.
This fixes #4193 which resulted in incorrect warnings when a single file or directory was pointed at by multiple symbolic links. Symbolic links to other symbolic links do still trigger warnings if they are too deeply nested.
Introduced a new command called
biome lint
, which will only run lint rules against the code base. -
Biome recognizes known files as “JSON files with comments allowed”:
Add support for
Section titled ConfigurationOther changes
Section titled Other changes-
Add a new option to ignore unknown files:
{"files": {"ignoreUnknown": true}}Doing so, Biome won’t emit diagnostics for file that it doesn’t know how to handle.
Add a new
option to support the unsafe/experimental parameter decorators:{"javascript": {"parser": {"unsafeParameterDecoratorsEnabled": true}}} -
Add a new
option, useful to split the configuration file in multiple files:{"extends": ["../sharedFormatter.json", "linter.json"]}The resolution of the files is file system based, Biome doesn’t know how to resolve dependencies yet.
The commands
biome check
andbiome lint
now show the remaining diagnostics even when--apply-safe
are passed. -
Fix the commands
biome check
andbiome lint
, they won’t exit with an error code if no error diagnostics are emitted. -
Add a new option
, which instructs Biome to exit with an error code when warnings are emitted.Terminal window biome check --error-on-wanrings ./src -
Add a configuration to enable parsing comments inside JSON files:
{"json": {"parser": {"allowComments": true}}}
Section titled EditorsOther changes
Section titled Other changes-
The Biome LSP can now show diagnostics belonging to JSON lint rules.
The Biome LSP no longer applies unsafe quickfixes on-save when
is enabled. -
Fix #4564; files too large don’t emit errors.
The Biome LSP sends client messages when files are ignored or too big.
Section titled Formatter-
Add a new option called
.This option lets you choose between single and double quotes for JSX attributes.
Add the option
.This option allows setting the parentheses style for arrow functions.
The JSON formatter can now format
files with comments.
Section titled LinterRemoved rules
Section titled Removed rules-
(#4553)The Biome formatter takes care of removing extra semicolons. Thus, there is no need for this rule.
Use useNamingConvention instead.
New rules
Section titled New rules-
Add noGlobalIsFinite
This rule recommends using
instead of the global and unsafeisFinite
that attempts a type coercion. -
Add noGlobalIsNan
This rule recommends using
instead of the global and unsafeisNaN
that attempts a type coercion. -
Add noUnsafeDeclarationMerging
This rule disallows declaration merging between an interface and a class.
This rule disallows useless aliasing of
in arrow functions. -
Add useArrowFunction
This rule proposes turning function expressions into arrow functions. Function expressions that use
are ignored. -
This rule disallow duplicate keys in a JSON object.
Add noVoid
This rule disallows the use of
. -
This rule disallows
escape sequences in string literals. -
This rule disallows useless
export {}
. -
Add useIsArray
This rule proposes using
instead ofinstanceof Array
. -
Add useGetterReturn
This rule enforces the presence of non-empty return statements in getters. This makes the following code incorrect:
class Person {get firstName() {}}
Promoted rules
Section titled Promoted rulesNew rules are promoted, please check #4750 for more details:
- a11y/useHeadingContent
- complexity/noForEach
- complexity/useLiteralKeys
- complexity/useSimpleNumberKeys
- correctness/useIsNan
- suspicious/noConsoleLog
- suspicious/noDuplicateJsxProps
The following rules are now recommended:
Other changes
Section titled Other changes-
Add new TypeScript globals (
, and others) 4643. -
noRedeclare: allow redeclare of index signatures are in different type members #4478
Improve noConsoleLog, noGlobalObjectCalls, useIsNan,
and useNumericLiterals by handling globalThis
and window
For instance, the following code is now reported by noConsoleLog
Improve noDuplicateParameters to manage constructor parameters.
Improve noInnerDeclarations
Now, the rule doesn’t report false-positives about ambient TypeScript declarations. For example, the following code is no longer reported by the rule:
declare var foo; -
Improve useEnumInitializers
The rule now reports all uninitialized members of an enum in a single diagnostic.
Moreover, ambient enum declarations are now ignored. This avoids reporting ambient enum declarations in TypeScript declaration files.
declare enum Weather {Rainy,Sunny,} -
Relax noBannedTypes and improve documentation
The rule no longer reports a user type that reuses a banned type name. The following code is now allowed:
import { Number } from "a-lib";declare const v: Number;The rule now allows the use of the type
to denote a non-nullable generic type:function f<T extends {}>(x: T) {assert(x != null);}And in a type intersection for narrowing a type to its non-nullable equivalent type:
type NonNullableMyType = MyType & {}; -
Improve noConstantCondition
The rule now allows
. This recognizes a common pattern in the web community:while (true) {if (cond) {break;}} -
Improve the diagnostic and the code action of useDefaultParameterLast.
The diagnostic now reports the last required parameter which should precede optional and default parameters.
The code action now removes any whitespace between the parameter name and its initialization.
All arrow functions that enclose its parameter with parenthesis are allowed. Thus, the following snippet no longer trigger the rule:
var x = (a) => 1 ? 2 : 3;The following snippet still triggers the rule:
var x = a => 1 ? 2 : 3; -
Relax useLiteralEnumMembers
Enum members that refer to previous enum members are now allowed. This allows a common pattern in enum flags like in the following example:
enum FileAccess {None = 0,Read = 1,Write = 1 << 1,All = Read | Write,}Arbitrary numeric constant expressions are also allowed:
enum FileAccess {None = 0,Read = 2**0,Write = 2**1,All = Read | Write,} -
Improve useLiteralKeys.
Now, the rule suggests simplifying computed properties to string literal properties:
{["1+1"]: 2,"1+1": 2,}It also suggests simplifying string literal properties to static properties:
{"a": 0,a: 0,}These suggestions are made in object literals, classes, interfaces, and object types.
Improve noNewSymbol.
The rule now handles cases where
is namespaced with the globalglobalThis
. -
The rules useExhaustiveDependencies and useHookAtTopLevel accept a different shape of options
Old configuration:
{"linter": {"rules": {"nursery": {"useExhaustiveDependencies": {"level": "error","options": {"hooks": [["useMyEffect", 0, 1]]}}}}}}New configuration:
{"linter": {"rules": {"nursery": {"useExhaustiveDependencies": {"level": "error","options": {"hooks": [{"name": "useMyEffect","closureIndex": 0,"dependenciesIndex": 1}]}}}}}} -
noRedundantUseStrict check only
'use strict'
directive to resolve false positive diagnostics.React introduced new directives, “use client” and “use server”. The rule raises false positive errors about these directives.
Fix a crash in the NoParameterAssign rule that occurred when there was a bogus binding. #4323
Fix useExhaustiveDependencies in the following cases #4330:
- when the first argument of hooks is a named function
- inside an export default function
- for
Fix noInvalidConstructorSuper that erroneously reported generic parents #4624.
Fix noDuplicateCase that erroneously reported as equals the strings literals
#4706. -
Fix NoUnreachableSuper’s false positive diagnostics (#4483) caused to nested if statement.
The rule no longer reports
This constructor calls super() in a loop
when using nested if statements in a constructor. -
Fix useHookAtTopLevel’s false positive diagnostics (#4637)
The rule no longer reports false positive diagnostics when accessing properties directly from a hook and calling a hook inside function arguments.
Fix noUselessConstructor which erroneously reported constructors with default parameters rome#4781
Fix noUselessFragments’s panics when running
biome check --apply-unsafe
(#4637)This rule’s code action emits an invalid AST, so I fixed using JsxString instead of JsStringLiteral
Fix noUndeclaredVariables’s false positive diagnostics (#4675)
The semantic analyzer no longer handles
reference identifier. -
Fix noUnusedVariables’s false positive diagnostics (#4688)
The semantic analyzer handles ts export declaration clause correctly.
Section titled Parser-
Add support for decorators in class method parameters, example:
class AppController {get(@Param() id) {}// ^^^^^^^^ new supported syntax}This syntax is only supported via configuration, because it’s a non-standard syntax.
{"javascript": {"parser": {"unsafeParameterDecoratorsEnabled": true}}} -
Add support for parsing comments inside JSON files:
{"json": {"parser": {"allowComments": true}}} -
Add support for the new
syntaxconst using = resource.lock();