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noAriaHiddenOnFocusable (since v1.4.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable

Source: no-aria-hidden-on-focusable

Enforce that aria-hidden=“true” is not set on focusable elements.

aria-hidden="true" can be used to hide purely decorative content from screen reader users. A focusable element with aria-hidden="true" can be reached by keyboard. This can lead to confusion or unexpected behavior for screen reader users.

<div aria-hidden="true" tabIndex="0" />
a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable.js:1:1 lint/a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   Disallow aria-hidden="true" from being set on focusable elements.
  > 1 │ <div aria-hidden="true" tabIndex="0" />
    2 │ 
   aria-hidden should not be set to true on focusable elements because this can lead to confusing behavior for screen reader users.
   Unsafe fix: Remove the aria-hidden attribute from the element.
    1 │ <div·aria-hidden="true"·tabIndex="0"·/>
<a href="/" aria-hidden="true" />
a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable.js:1:1 lint/a11y/noAriaHiddenOnFocusable  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   Disallow aria-hidden="true" from being set on focusable elements.
  > 1 │ <a href="/" aria-hidden="true" />
    2 │ 
   aria-hidden should not be set to true on focusable elements because this can lead to confusing behavior for screen reader users.
   Unsafe fix: Remove the aria-hidden attribute from the element.
    1 │ <a·href="/"·aria-hidden="true"·/>
<button aria-hidden="true" tabIndex="-1" />
<div aria-hidden="true"><a href="#"></a></div>