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noInvalidConstructorSuper (since v1.0.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/correctness/noInvalidConstructorSuper

Source: constructor-super

Prevents the incorrect use of super() inside classes. It also checks whether a call super() is missing from classes that extends other constructors.

class A {
constructor() {
correctness/noInvalidConstructorSuper.js:3:9 lint/correctness/noInvalidConstructorSuper ━━━━━━━━━━━━

   This class should not have a super() call. You should remove it.
    1 │ class A {
    2 │     constructor() {
  > 3 │         super();
    4 │     }
    5 │ }
class A extends undefined {
constructor() {
correctness/noInvalidConstructorSuper.js:3:9 lint/correctness/noInvalidConstructorSuper ━━━━━━━━━━━━

   This class calls super(), but the class extends from a non-constructor.
    1 │ class A extends undefined {
    2 │     constructor() {
  > 3 │         super();
    4 │     }
    5 │ }
   This is where the non-constructor is used.
  > 1 │ class A extends undefined {
    2 │     constructor() {
    3 │         super();
export default class A extends B {
constructor() {
export class A {
constructor() {}