noThisInStatic (since v1.3.1)
Diagnostic Category: lint/complexity/noThisInStatic
Source: no-this-in-static
Disallow this
and super
in static
In JavaScript, the this
keyword in static contexts refers to the class (the constructor) instance,
not an instance of the class. This can be confusing for developers coming from other languages where
typically refers to an instance of the class, not the class itself.
Similarly, super
in static contexts refers to the parent class, not an instance of the class.
This can lead to unexpected behavior if not properly understood.
This rule enforces the use of the class name itself to access static methods,
which can make the code clearer and less prone to errors. It helps to prevent
misunderstandings and bugs that can arise from the unique behavior of this
and super
in static contexts.
Section titled ExampleInvalid
Section titled Invalid class A { static CONSTANT = 0;
static foo() { this.CONSTANT; } }
complexity/noThisInStatic.js:5:9 lint/complexity/noThisInStatic FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
✖ Using this in a static context can be confusing.
4 │ static foo() {
> 5 │ this.CONSTANT;
│ ^^^^
6 │ }
7 │ }
ℹ this refers to the class.
ℹ Unsafe fix: Use the class name instead.
3 3 │
4 4 │ static foo() {
5 │ - ········this.CONSTANT;
5 │ + ········A.CONSTANT;
6 6 │ }
7 7 │ }
class B extends A { static bar() { super.CONSTANT; } }
complexity/noThisInStatic.js:3:9 lint/complexity/noThisInStatic FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
✖ Using super in a static context can be confusing.
1 │ class B extends A {
2 │ static bar() {
> 3 │ super.CONSTANT;
│ ^^^^^
4 │ }
5 │ }
ℹ super refers to a parent class.
ℹ Unsafe fix: Use the class name instead.
1 1 │ class B extends A {
2 2 │ static bar() {
3 │ - ········super.CONSTANT;
3 │ + ········A.CONSTANT;
4 4 │ }
5 5 │ }
Section titled Validclass B extends A { static ANOTHER_CONSTANT = A.CONSTANT + 1;
bar() {; }}
class A { static foo() { doSomething() }
bar() { }}