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noUnsafeNegation (since v1.0.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/suspicious/noUnsafeNegation

Source: no-unsafe-negation

Disallow using unsafe negation.

!1 in [1,2];
suspicious/noUnsafeNegation.js:1:1 lint/suspicious/noUnsafeNegation  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   The negation operator is used unsafely on the left side of this binary expression.
  > 1 │ !1 in [1,2];
    2 │ 
   Unsafe fix: Wrap the expression with a parenthesis
    1 │ !(1·in·[1,2]);
   +          + 
/**test*/!/** test*/1 instanceof [1,2];
suspicious/noUnsafeNegation.js:1:10 lint/suspicious/noUnsafeNegation  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   The negation operator is used unsafely on the left side of this binary expression.
  > 1 │ /**test*/!/** test*/1 instanceof [1,2];
    2 │ 
   Unsafe fix: Wrap the expression with a parenthesis
    1 │ /**test*/!/**·test*/(1·instanceof·[1,2]);
                      +                  + 
-1 in [1,2];
~1 in [1,2];
typeof 1 in [1,2];
void 1 in [1,2];
delete 1 in [1,2];
+1 instanceof [1,2];