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noUselessTypeConstraint (since v1.0.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint

Source: no-unnecessary-type-constraint

Disallow using any or unknown as type constraint.

Generic type parameters (<T>) in TypeScript may be constrained with extends. A supplied type must then be a subtype of the supplied constraint. All types are subtypes of any and unknown. It is thus useless to extend from any or unknown.

interface FooAny<T extends any> {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:20 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ interface FooAny<T extends any> {}
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ interface·FooAny<T·extends·any>·{}
type BarAny<T extends any> = {};
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:15 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ type BarAny<T extends any> = {};
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ type·BarAny<T·extends·any>·=·{};
class BazAny<T extends any> {
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:16 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ class BazAny<T extends any> {
    2 │ }
    3 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ class·BazAny<T·extends·any>·{
class BazAny {
quxAny<U extends any>() {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:2:12 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
    1 │ class BazAny {
  > 2 │   quxAny<U extends any>() {}
    3 │ }
    4 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    2 │ ··quxAny<U·extends·any>()·{}
const QuuxAny = <T extends any>() => {};
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:20 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ const QuuxAny = <T extends any>() => {};
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ const·QuuxAny·=·<T·extends·any>()·=>·{};
function QuuzAny<T extends any>() {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:20 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ function QuuzAny<T extends any>() {}
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ function·QuuzAny<T·extends·any>()·{}
interface FooUnknown<T extends unknown> {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:24 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ interface FooUnknown<T extends unknown> {}
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ interface·FooUnknown<T·extends·unknown>·{}
type BarUnknown<T extends unknown> = {};
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:19 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ type BarUnknown<T extends unknown> = {};
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ type·BarUnknown<T·extends·unknown>·=·{};
class BazUnknown<T extends unknown> {
class BazUnknown {
quxUnknown<U extends unknown>() {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:3:4 parse ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   unterminated template literal
    1 │ class BazUnknown<T extends unknown> {
    2 │ }
  > 3 │ ```ts,expect_diagnostic
  > 4 │ class BazUnknown {
  > 5 │   quxUnknown<U extends unknown>() {}
  > 6 │ }
  > 7 │ 
const QuuxUnknown = <T extends unknown>() => {};
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:24 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ const QuuxUnknown = <T extends unknown>() => {};
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ const·QuuxUnknown·=·<T·extends·unknown>()·=>·{};
function QuuzUnknown<T extends unknown>() {}
complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint.js:1:24 lint/complexity/noUselessTypeConstraint  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━

   Constraining a type parameter to any or unknown is useless.
  > 1 │ function QuuzUnknown<T extends unknown>() {}
    2 │ 
   All types are subtypes of any and unknown.
   Safe fix: Remove the constraint.
    1 │ function·QuuzUnknown<T·extends·unknown>()·{}
interface Foo<T> {}
type Bar<T> = {};