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useArrowFunction (since v1.0.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/complexity/useArrowFunction

Inspired from: prefer-arrow-callback

Use arrow functions over function expressions.

An arrow function expression is a compact alternative to a regular function expression, with an important distinction: this is not bound to the arrow function. It inherits this from its parent scope.

This rule proposes turning all function expressions that are not generators (function*) and don’t use this into arrow functions.

const z = function() {
return 0;
complexity/useArrowFunction.js:1:11 lint/complexity/useArrowFunction  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   This function expression can be turned into an arrow function.
  > 1 │ const z = function() {
  > 2 │     return 0;
  > 3 │ }
    4 │ 
   Function expressions that don't use this can be turned into arrow functions.
   Safe fix: Use an arrow function instead.
    1  - const·z·=·function()·{
    2  - ····return·0;
    3  - }
      1+ const·z·=·()·=>·0
    4 2  
const delegatedFetch = async function(url) {
return await fetch(url);
complexity/useArrowFunction.js:1:24 lint/complexity/useArrowFunction  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   This function expression can be turned into an arrow function.
  > 1 │ const delegatedFetch = async function(url) {
  > 2 │     return await fetch(url);
  > 3 │ }
    4 │ 
   Function expressions that don't use this can be turned into arrow functions.
   Safe fix: Use an arrow function instead.
    1  - const·delegatedFetch·=·async·function(url)·{
    2  - ····return·await·fetch(url);
    3  - }
      1+ const·delegatedFetch·=·async·(url)·=>·await·fetch(url)
    4 2  
const f = function() {
return this.prop;

Named function expressions are ignored:

const z = function z() {
return 0;

Function expressions that declare the type of this are also ignored:

const z = function(this: A): number {
return 0;