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How Biome works

This is a guide that explains how the tool works, assumptions, and internal information useful when setting up the project and the configuration file.

The configuration file is considered optional, Biome has good defaults. Use the configuration file to change those defaults.

The Biome configuration file is named biome.json and should be placed in the root directory of your project. The root directory is usually the directory containing your project’s package.json.

Since version 1.6.0, Biome accepts also the file biome.jsonc.

This configuration file enables the formatter and sets the preferred indent style and width. The linter is disabled:

"formatter": {
"enabled": true,
"indentStyle": "tab",
"lineWidth": 120
"linter": {
"enabled": false

When you run biome init, the default configuration emitted is the following:

"organizeImports": { "enabled": true },
"linter": {
"enabled": true,
"rules": { "recommended": true }

Biome uses auto discovery to find the nearest biome.json file. It starts looking for biome.json in the current working directory, and then it starts looking in the parent directories until:

  • it finds a biome.json file;
  • it applies Biome’s defaults if no biome.json is found;

Here’s an example:

└── app
├── backend
│ ├── package.json
│ └── biome.json
└── frontend
├── legacy
│ └── package.json
├── new
│ └── package.json
└── biome.json
  • biome commands that run in app/backend/package.json will use the configuration file app/backend/biome.json;
  • biome commands that run in app/frontend/legacy/package.json and app/frontend/new/package.json will use the configuration file app/frontend/biome.json;

The extends option allows to break down a configuration in multiple file and “share” common patterns among multiple projects/folders.

"$schema": "",
"extends": ["./formatter.json", "./linter.json"]
"$schema": "",
"formatter": {
"indentSize": 2
"javascript": {
"formatter": {
"semicolons": "asNeeded"
"$schema": "",
"linter": {
"rules": {
"complexity": {
"noUselessConstructor": "off"

The files defined in this array:

  • must exist in the file system;
  • are resolved from the path where the biome.json file is defined;
  • must be relative paths. Paths to libraries are not resolved;
  • must be reachable by Biome, e.g. symbolic links might not be resolved by Biome;
  • will be processed in order: from the first one to the last one;
  • can override the same properties, but ultimately only the last one will be used by Biome;

Import biome.json from a library

Section titled Import biome.json from a library

From version v1.6.0, Biome is able to resolve configuration files from node_modules/, so you can export your configuration file from a library, and import it in multiple projects.

In order to do so, the first thing to do is to set up your “shared” Biome configuration in a certain way. Let’s suppose that your library is called @org/shared-configs, and you want to import the Biome configuration using the specifier @org/shared-configs/biome. You have to set up the package.json is a specific way:

"name": "@org/shared-configs",
"exports": {
"./biome": "./biome.json"

Make sure that @org/shared-configs is correctly installed in your project, and update the biome.json file to look like the following snippet:

"extends": ["@org/shared-configs/biome"]

Biome will attempt to resolve your library @org/shared-configs/ from your working directory. The working directory is:

  • when using the CLI, the directory where you execute your scripts from. Usually it matches the location of your package.json file;
  • when using the LSP, the root directory of your project.

For more information about the resolution algorithm, read the Node.js documentation.

The following files are currently ignored by Biome. This means that no diagnostics will be ever emitted by Biome for those files.

  • composer.lock
  • npm-shrinkwrap.json
  • package-lock.json
  • yarn.lock

The following files are parsed as JSON files with the options json.parser.allowComments and json.parser.allowTrailingCommas set to true. This is because editor tools like VSCode treat them like this.

  • .babelrc.json
  • .babelrc
  • .ember-cli
  • .eslintrc.json
  • .eslintrc
  • .hintrc
  • .jsfmtrc
  • .jshintrc
  • .swcrc
  • babel.config.json
  • jsconfig.json
  • tsconfig.json
  • tslint.json
  • typedoc.json
  • typescript.json

Biome will resolve the globs specified in include and ignore relatively from the working directory.

The working directory is the directory where you usually run a CLI command. This means that you have to place particular attention when the configuration file is placed in a different directory from where you execute your command.

For example, you have a project that contains two directories called backend/ and frontend/, and decide to place your biome.json at the root folder of the project. Inside the frontend/ project, you have your package.json with some scripts that run Biome:

├── backend
├── biome.json
└── frontend
└── package.json
"files": {
"include": ["src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.ts"]
"formatter": {
"indentStyle": "space"
"name": "frontend-project",
"scripts": {
"format": "biome format --write ./"

When you run the script format inside frontend/package.json, the working directory resolved by that script will be frontend/, the globs src/**/*.js and src/**/*.ts will have as “base” directory frontend/.

The syntax and meaning of these two options loosely follow the globset rules but without the ability to set options.

  • * matches zero or more characters.

  • ** recursively matches directories but are only legal in three situations. First, if the glob starts with **/, then it matches all directories. For example, **/foo matches foo and bar/foo but not foo/bar. Secondly, if the glob ends with /**, then it matches all sub-entries. For example, foo/** matches foo/a and foo/a/b, but not foo. Thirdly, if the glob contains /**/ anywhere within the pattern, then it matches zero or more directories. Using ** anywhere else is illegal (N.B. the glob ** is allowed and means “match everything”).

  • Metacharacters such as * and ? can be escaped with character class notation. e.g., [*] matches *.

Check the wikipedia page for more information.